License Suspension Risk Insurance Policy

NEW insurance policy that covers the risk of driver’s license suspension, point reset, or license and CQC (Driver Qualification Card) reviews.

Features of the policy:

  • Our policy is made for the company and covers all its employed drivers, without the need to provide the name of each individual driver.
  • The indemnity limit for license suspension has an aggregate cap per fleet of 10,000 euros, with a daily allowance of 55 euros for up to 180 days.
  • Compensation for point recovery of 400 euros, 1,000 euros for CQC license reviews or for point reset.
  • Maximum of 4,000 euros for legal expenses for point reset, license suspension, or license review, and the caps can be doubled.
  • We provide a free point monitoring service for all drivers of the insured company (unique service in Italy).

Relevant legislation:

“Excerpt from Art. 31 of the NATIONAL COLLECTIVE LABOR AGREEMENT FOR LOGISTICS AND FREIGHT TRANSPORT – Driver’s license withdrawal – Driver card

The driver from whom the authority, for reasons that do not entail summary dismissal, withdraws the license to drive motor vehicles, shall have the right to retain their position for a period of six months.

In companies employing up to 6 employees, the employer will ensure, at his expense, the driver against the risk of license withdrawal for a maximum of six months.

In companies employing more than 6 employees, in addition to the retention of the position mentioned above, the company may assign the driver to any other job, paying him the salary appropriate for the level to which he is assigned.”


We operate throughout the national territory (including islands), and also in all European countries.

Get in touch with our consultants through the form on this page to get a quote for the License Suspension Risk Insurance Policy as soon as possible.

You can also call one of our offices closest to you, get all the information online, and clear any doubts, we respond in 2 hours.

Or contact us by phone, Elisa or Giulia will immediately answer your questions:

Tel. +39 055 28.53.13 – Tel. +39 02 667.124.17

Email :

You can also contact us via WhatsApp: +39 339 71.50.157 send a message, and we will respond during office hours, within 5 minutes.






  • How is it delivered?

Thanks to our digital signature, the policy can be received via certified email (PEC).

  • How is payment made?

Payment can be made via bank transfer or PayPal.

  • How quickly is the certificate of financial capability delivered?

Once the transfer is made, it takes 24 hours for delivery.

  • Given the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic, how can we obtain the policy without going to your offices?

The request and issuance of the financial capability certification can also be done remotely via email or phone; everything can be done online quickly through our digital signature.

  • If I am located in a region far from your offices, how can I obtain the Financial Capability Certification?

It’s very simple; we can operate via phone or email, the financial capability certification can be obtained remotely, online, in real time.




We are able to issue the insurance policy within just 2 days from when we receive all necessary documents.


We have an online consultation system, via phone, WhatsApp, and email that assists the client without deadlines or limits even after making the purchase.


We are used to being bombarded with numerous unsolicited phone calls and advertising messages; our company firmly believes in the conscious and reserved use of data in our possession for the sole use strictly related to the request for the Certificate of Financial Capability, and we believe that this makes the difference.

With us, your personal data is safe, also thanks to our protected computer systems.


Our professionalism is evident through our results, and we invite you to read the experiences of our clients through the reviews posted on Google; we are reliable, competent, flexible, consistent, and credible in our trade.


Other Certificates of Financial Capability that our company issues in very short times

Certificate of Financial Capability for Transporters

Certificate of Financial Capability for Workshops and Vehicle Inspection Centers

Certificate of Financial Capability for Automotive Consulting Agency and Auto Practice Agency

Certificate of Financial Capability to Participate in Tenders

Financial Capability Certificate for Driving Schools and Nautical Schools



What our customers say about us

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efficienti e cortesi
Molto veloci nell'espletamento delle pratiche.Consulenti molto cordiali e disponibili, nello specifico la Signora Roberta
Personale competente e gentile, pratiche molto veloci e affidabili, lo consiglio.
Ottimo servizio e soprattutto ottimo servizio relazioni clienti, sono rimasto piacevolmente sorpreso della loro disponibilità e soprattutto per la celerità nell'erogazione del servizio richiesto.Sono dei professionisti e pertanto consigliatissimo!
Ottimo servizio personale cortese e disponibile molto veloci grazie mariana
My experience is in driving and I want job in the company I have no experience in the company if there is a job in driving please tell me
Grazie, per la Vostra tempestività nel seguirci per la pratica, un grazie alla Sig.ra Roberta per la cortesia e affidabilita. ci siamo trovati molto bene.
Professionali e veloci. Ti assistono in tutte le fasi. Un grazie in particolare alla Sig.ra Debora che ha seguito la pratica
ottimo servizio! puntualita' e professionalita', Roberta sempre puntuale ed attenta alle mie dimenticanze.
Esperienza super positiva! Roberta è davvero disponibile e chiara nelle spiegazioni, sempre pronta a chiarire dubbi e a far sì che i procedimenti siano veloci.
Efficienza e puntualità , Roberta e’ sempre una garanzia .
Sono state gentilissimi e disponibili. Specialmente la signora Debora che ha seguito la mia pratica. Grazie

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