C.A.R. and Post-Completion Decennial Policy

C.A.R. Site Policy, Post-Completion Decennial, and E.A.R. Policy

Is your company involved in private and public construction?

Are you a builder participating in public and private tenders?

You definitely need a C.A.R. policy, an E.A.R. policy, and a Post-Completion Decennial policy.

Do you know what these are?

These insurance policies are provided in accordance with Law 210/2004 and Legislative Decree 122/2005. 122/2005

Our company specializes in issuing this type of insurance policy, contact us now via WhatsApp: +39 339.71.50.157 Send a message and we will respond during office hours, within 5 minutes.

Contact us directly online for an immediate response, or call one of our nearest offices. Tel. +39 055 28.53.13 –Tel. +39 02 667.124.17

Email : info@italiafideiussioni.it


The C.A.R. insurance policy, which stands for Contractors All Risks, and the E.A.R., Erection All Risk, insure reimbursement for material damages arising from all risks and unforeseen events related to the construction of civil works and must be stipulated before the start of construction site works;

C.A.R. Site Policy

This insurance protects the contractor or the client for the construction of, for example, a civil engineering work.. In other words, it is a guarantee that protects construction companies from atmospheric and natural events, socio-political issues, fire, theft, and also from construction site accidents, calculation errors, and design flaws..

It also covers damages caused to third parties during the execution of the works. It is applied in civil engineering works such as tunnels, civil buildings, schools, hospitals, bridges, viaducts. In public contracts, it is mandatorily required from the winning company to comply with the coverages provided by article 30, paragraph 3 of Law 109/94 and subsequent modifications.

In private contracts, the C.A.R. policy is becoming more widespread. More and more contractors or clients are using this insurance in private contracts. It is considered an essential insurance coverage for all those companies that want to protect their interests from the many risks that can occur on a construction site.

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E.A.R. Policy

This guarantee covers all risks that can arise from the assembly of a plant or an industrial machine. . The E.A.R. assures the insured the reimbursement of the costs of repairing or replacing damaged goods during assembly and, importantly, it protects them from possible civil liabilities in case of damages to third parties during the assembly activity.

The facilities that can be insured are many, here are some examples: steel plants, chemical plants, pharmaceutical plants, power units, electrical installations, power stations, oil pipelines, gas pipelines.

Post-Completion Decennial Policy

Alongside the C.A.R. and E.A.R. policies, the post-completion decennial indemnity policy is issued with coverage effective from the date of completion of the works. The policy is not paid in full, but only a deposit is made, usually amounting to 20% of the premium; the balance will be paid upon completion of the works.

The rate applied varies, depending on the economic, financial, and asset strength of the applicant and is calculated on the guaranteed amount. The rate is calculated on the construction value of the work, net of the value of the area and charges.

These policies can only be issued by insurance companies authorized to operate in Italy.


You can also write via WhatsApp: +39 339.71.50.157 send a message we will respond during office hours, within 5 minutes

Contact us directly online for an immediate response, or call one of our nearest offices. Tel. +39 055 28.53.13 –Tel. +39 02 667.124.17

Email : info@italiafideiussioni.it

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È il secondo anno che faccio sia la polizza che la fideiussione con loro e mi sono trovata benissimo, sono stata seguita da Mariana in modo efficiente e rapido! Lo consiglio tantissimo!
Ringrazio Debora per la professionalità, chiarezza e velocità. Consiglio assolutamente. Grazie
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La nostra scuola lavora con l'ufficio di Firenze. Sono molto precisi e professionali, ottimi prezzi per le polizze per stranieri. Riescono a soddisfare le necessità del cliente. Chiedete di Debora.
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Ottimo servizio veloce comunicazione molto facile
Molto professionali e veloci… un grazie per la disponibilità, professionalità e chiarezza a DeboraBuon lavoro
Servizio lodevole, !
Sono molto responsabili e puntuali, ve lo garantisco.especialmente a la segnora mariana
Avevo bisogno di una fideiussione urgente. Mi hanno aiutato in maniera molto professionale. Non esitero' a contattarli di nuovo se dovessi avere ancora bisogno. La consiglio vivamente.
Abbiamo richiesto una fideiussione per permettere a due medici tanzaniani di venire in Italia per un corso di aggiornamento professionale.Il servizio di questa struttura ci ha permesso di ottenere il risultato richiesto in tempi rapidi e con la massima professionalità e cortesia.Il nostro progetto di sostegno all'Ospedale Tanzaniano ha appena iniziato il suo corso e certamente alle prossime occasioni ci serviremo ancora di questa struttura.
Servizio impeccabile....mi hanno letteralmente salvato...la VFS mi chiama improvvisamente per fissarmi un appuntamento e ho dovuto fare tutta la documentazione nel giro di un giorno.Credevo che riuscire a fare tutto era impossibile e che non sarei potuto andare all'appuntamento e quindi ricominciare a correre per trovare un appuntamento per mia moglie da VFS Marocco che ultimamente è quasi impossibile.MARIANNA grazie mille per aver fatto il miracolo....un assistenza e una disponibilità da 100 e lode....grazie grazie grazie
Chiara, corretta, veloce ed efficente