Insurance Guarantee for Debt Installment of Electricity and GAS

The recent “Aiuti Quater” decree, published in the Official Gazette on November 18, 2022includes an important measure to assist businesses with the high cost of utility bills through  theinstallment payment of energy bills.

The disproportionate increase in energy costs over recent months has indeed caused severe problems for businesses.

Energy providers do offer installment plans but only with a surety guarantee. In this context, SACE has organized a series of products to provide the necessary guarantees to companies for deferring energy debts, and also insures Italian insurance companies that intend to offer these guarantees to their clients.

SACE issues its own guarantees in favor of Italian Insurance Companies, thus making available the issuance of insurance guarantees in favor of businesses that consume a lot of energy, facilitating the installment payment of bills.

The SACE guarantee is explicit, unconditional, irrevocable, and covers the reimbursement of principal and interest, minus the commissions received for the same guarantees.


Who can subscribe?

The product is available to all VAT number holders.


What are the conditions to request the Insurance Guarantee?

The conditions are:

  1. The granted installment for utility payments must not exceed 24 months.
  2. The product is aimed at all companies with a turnover not exceeding 50 million euros.


How do I submit a request?

With us, it’s easy. Just send an email to and we will provide all the necessary information.


What documents are needed to process the application?

For companies:

  1. Updated Chamber of Commerce Registration dated no more than 3 months ago
  1. Official financial statements for the year 2021, with all attachments, and an updated economic and financial situation for 2022.
  1. Identity Document and Tax Code of the legal representative
  1. Identity documents, tax codes, and unique model of partners who are co-obligors
  2. Installment agreement with the energy provider and a copy of the invoices


For sole proprietorships or partnerships:

  1. Updated Chamber of Commerce Registration dated no more than 3 months ago
  1. Identity Document, Tax Code, and unique model of the legal representative and partners
  2.   Most recent tax return
  3. Installment agreement with the energy provider and a copy of the invoices


For Professionals:

  1. Identity Document, Tax Code, and unique model of the legal representative and partners
  2.   Most recent tax return
  3. Installment agreement with the energy provider and a copy of the invoices


How long does it take to receive a response to the request?

It only takes 2 days from when you send us the required documents.

Why should you turn to Italiafideiussioni? What experience do we have in the field?

The easiest way to understand is to read what our customers say about us:

Read here what our customers think; we have numerous positive reviews. 

Useful Information


Call Now!! We respond in real-time to all your questions:

Tel. +39 055 49.32.199 – Tel. +39 02 667.124.17

Write via WhatsApp: +39 339.71.50.157 or via email:

Send a message and we will respond during office hours, within 5 minutes.





We are able to issue the Insurance Guarantee within just 72 hours of receiving all the necessary documents.


We have an online consulting system, via phone, WhatsApp, social media, and email that assists the customer without deadlines or limits even after the purchase.


We are accustomed to being bombarded with numerous unsolicited phone calls and advertising messages. Our company firmly believes in the conscious and confidential use of data which is obtained solely for the purpose related to the request for the online Insurance Guarantee, and we believe this makes a difference. With us, your personal data are safe, thanks also to our protected computer systems.


Our professionalism is evident through our results, and we invite you to read the experiences of our clients through the reviews posted on Google.

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Ottima assistenza e molta disponibilità, sia per mail sia al telefono. Veloci, precisi e gentili.
La nostra scuola lavora con l'ufficio di Firenze. Sono molto precisi e professionali, ottimi prezzi per le polizze per stranieri. Riescono a soddisfare le necessità del cliente. Chiedete di Debora.
Need a invitation letter
Mariana was very professional in taking care of all the aspect in order to have all documents ready in few days.Thanks to her and to italiafideiussioni for professionalism and dedication
Ottimo servizio veloce comunicazione molto facile
Molto professionali e veloci… un grazie per la disponibilità, professionalità e chiarezza a DeboraBuon lavoro
Servizio lodevole, !
Sono molto responsabili e puntuali, ve lo garantisco.especialmente a la segnora mariana
Avevo bisogno di una fideiussione urgente. Mi hanno aiutato in maniera molto professionale. Non esitero' a contattarli di nuovo se dovessi avere ancora bisogno. La consiglio vivamente.
Abbiamo richiesto una fideiussione per permettere a due medici tanzaniani di venire in Italia per un corso di aggiornamento professionale.Il servizio di questa struttura ci ha permesso di ottenere il risultato richiesto in tempi rapidi e con la massima professionalità e cortesia.Il nostro progetto di sostegno all'Ospedale Tanzaniano ha appena iniziato il suo corso e certamente alle prossime occasioni ci serviremo ancora di questa struttura.
Chiara, corretta, veloce ed efficente
Grazie ☺️ a Cosimo e Debora, gentilissimi, celeri, servizio ottimo, 5 stelle ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Richiesta fideiussione per stranieri ieri mattina e in 24 ore ottenuta. Grazie e buon lavoro
Servizio perfetto e rapido, grazie alla grande gentilezza e professionalità della signora Mariana. Lo consiglio. Grace
Ho usufruito nuovamente dei loro servizi restando davvero soddisfatto, rapidi e precisi, hanno saputo rispondere a tutte le mie domande e mi hanno seguito per tutto il processo, usufruirò nuovamente dei loro servizi in futuro
Personale all’ascolto della clientela, disponibile. La documentazione effettuata in due giorni. Raccomando a tutto.