Health Insurance Policy for Civil Registry Enrollment for EU Citizens

Citizens of the European Economic Area can move to Italy for study or other reasons and can enter with an ID card or passport, but after three months of stay, they must register at the local Civil Registry where they reside to receive a Certificate of Residence.

To obtain the Certificate, they must have “a health insurance policy or another title suitably named to cover all health risks in the national territory.”

Obtaining this policy is very straightforward; only an identity document is needed, and our insurance is issued immediately.



Why choose us to obtain the policy?

  1. Speed: It takes less than 24 hours to issue.
  2. Simplicity: Only one document is required: a valid identity document, and then the policy is delivered by email—no need to return to our offices, thanks to our digital signature service normally accepted by all public offices.
  3. Consultation Service: Thanks to the courteous and patient assistance of our consultants, all your doubts will disappear.

Read the testimonials of our clients to understand how we work.

Call a consultant now to issue the health policy: +39 055 28.53.13

Or write an email and one of our consultants will send you the INFORMATION NOTE with all the necessary information:

We operate throughout the national territory, including islands.

Contact us directly online for an immediate response, or call one of our nearest offices.
Tel. +39 055 28.53.13 –Tel. +39 02 667.124.17

Email :

Write via WhatsApp: +39 339 71.50.157 send a message and we will respond during office hours, within 5 minutes.

Useful Information


  • How long does it take to issue the health insurance for an EU citizen?
    We are very fast; it only takes 24 hours from when we receive the identity document, which is the only necessary document.
  • Does the client need to sign other documents besides the policy?
    Yes, the client must first receive the information note, the policy’s technical sheet, our privacy notice and give expressed consent, the anti-money laundering questionnaire for the identification of the beneficial owner, and the mandatory pre-contractual forms necessary for the transparency of our operations.
  • How can I make the payment?
    Payment can be made via Bank Transfer or PayPal.
  • How can I receive the health insurance for an EU citizen?
    Thanks to our digital signature system, the guarantee can be sent via Email.
  • In case I cannot visit your offices due to COVID-19 or another pandemic, is there a method for remote sales?
    Yes, remote sales via email are available in 2 simple steps.

Other Guarantees and Policies for Foreigners

Bank Guarantee for a tourist visa and entry into Italy for non-EU citizens

Watch the video for the request of a tourist visa guarantee for foreigners

Guarantee for Study, Work, or Hospitalization Visa
Watch our video for the study visa application

Health insurance for a tourist visa for a foreigner in Italy
Watch our video to obtain health insurance

  • Guarantee for foreigners for family reunification

Watch our video for family reunification





We are able to issue the guarantee for a tourist visa in just 24 hours from when we receive all the necessary documents.


We have an online consulting system, via phone, WhatsApp, and email that assists the client without deadlines or limits even after making the purchase.


We are accustomed to being bombarded with numerous unsolicited phone calls and advertising messages; our company strongly believes in the conscious and confidential use of data, which is possessed strictly for use related to the guarantee request, and we believe this makes a difference.
With us, your personal data is safe, also thanks to our protected computer systems.


Our professionalism is evident through our results, and we invite you to read the experiences of our clients through the reviews left on Google; we are reliable, competent, flexible, consistent, and credible in our craft.

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efficienti e cortesi
Molto veloci nell'espletamento delle pratiche.Consulenti molto cordiali e disponibili, nello specifico la Signora Roberta
Personale competente e gentile, pratiche molto veloci e affidabili, lo consiglio.
Ottimo servizio e soprattutto ottimo servizio relazioni clienti, sono rimasto piacevolmente sorpreso della loro disponibilità e soprattutto per la celerità nell'erogazione del servizio richiesto.Sono dei professionisti e pertanto consigliatissimo!
Ottimo servizio personale cortese e disponibile molto veloci grazie mariana
My experience is in driving and I want job in the company I have no experience in the company if there is a job in driving please tell me
Grazie, per la Vostra tempestività nel seguirci per la pratica, un grazie alla Sig.ra Roberta per la cortesia e affidabilita. ci siamo trovati molto bene.
Professionali e veloci. Ti assistono in tutte le fasi. Un grazie in particolare alla Sig.ra Debora che ha seguito la pratica
ottimo servizio! puntualita' e professionalita', Roberta sempre puntuale ed attenta alle mie dimenticanze.
Esperienza super positiva! Roberta è davvero disponibile e chiara nelle spiegazioni, sempre pronta a chiarire dubbi e a far sì che i procedimenti siano veloci.
Efficienza e puntualità , Roberta e’ sempre una garanzia .
Sono state gentilissimi e disponibili. Specialmente la signora Debora che ha seguito la mia pratica. Grazie