Thanks to the collaboration with a distinguished Italian insurance intermediary, we are pleased to announce a new partnership that marks a significant evolution in the surety insurance sector in Italy.
By collaborating with KLPP Insurance & Reinsurance Company LTD, a prestigious company listed in Italy in the IVASS register since March 14, 2018, we are committed to transforming the way we offer surety bonds for public contracts, public contributions, and for all the most common needs in the Surety and Guarantee branch in Italy.
KLPP Insurance & Reinsurance Company LTD, with its registered office in another European Union country, is authorized to operate in Italy through the Freedom to Provide Services (FPS) regime, offering a wide range of insurance services.
With registration number 11.01500 and IVASS code 40799, the company is subject to the strict control of the Ministry of Finance – Insurance Companies Control Service – Address: P.O. Box 23364, 1682 Nicosia
Our collaboration with KLPP Insurance & Reinsurance Company LTD not only enriches our range of insurance products but also confirms our commitment to excellence and innovation.
Through this synergy, we aim to exceed our clients’ expectations by offering customized solutions that fully meet their security and protection needs in the public procurement sector.
The rating agency Standard and Poor’s has confirmed its “BB+” rating on KLPP, foreseeing a stable future.
According to the agency, KLPP will continue to follow its strategic plan to grow slowly, expanding its business and focusing on the profitability of its insurance operations, while at the same time increasing its size and diversifying.
The company has attracted business globally, especially in the European Union, North America, Asia, and Latin America, thanks to the growth of its broker network. Simultaneously, KLPP continues to diversify its business lines and invest in insurance skills and customer management.
Need a Surety Bond for public contracts?
Contact us directly online for a real-time response: you can also reach us on WhatsApp: +39 339.71.50.157 Send a message, and we’ll reply during business hours, within 5 minutes.
Or call one of our closest offices +39 055 49.32.199 – +39 02 667.124.17 o r send email at: info@italiafideiussioni.it
Why not take a look at our clients’ testimonials? You’ll be surprised to see how effective we’ve been in meeting their needs
The complete assessment report is available on the website: https://www.standardandpoors.com/en_US/web/guest/ratings/entity/-/org-details/sectorCode/INS/entityId/576069 (registration required).
KLPP Insurance & Reinsurance Company Ltd is an insurance company that began its activity in 2015 in Cyprus. Its foundation is based on an investment company present on the island since 2009.
The company’s registration number is HE 259650.
For more details regarding our registration, you can consult the Ministry of Finance’s website through this link: http://mof.gov.cy/en/publications/1-insurance-companies-control-service/regulated-entities/regulated-entities-list-of-insurance-undertakings.
The company’s share capital amounts to 7,500,000 euros.
KLPP Insurance & Reinsurance Company Ltd offers insurance services both in Cyprus and in other European Union countries and also acts as an international reinsurer, attracting risks from all over the world.
Need an insurance surety bond to participate in public tender competitions?
Contact us directly online for a real-time response: you can also reach us on WhatsApp: +39 339.71.50.157 Send a message, and we’ll reply during business hours, within 5 minutes.
Or call one of our closest offices +39 055 49.32.199 – +39 02 667.124.17 o r send email at: info@italiafideiussioni.it